Server starts in:
Welcome to Ventera | |
Svxx, player number 10. Welcome and wish you a nice game! | |
Svxx (Level 8). Congratulations! | |
Server motd: Welcome to Ventera: Added mount system, runes x2, djinns free in Thais, more information visit website | |
Free Houses: 862 | Rented Houses: 0 |
Accounts in database: 8 | Players in database: 10 |
Banned accounts: 0 | Guilds in database: 0 |
9.10.2021 - Imperium 2022 | |
Imperium will launched with Open-PVP server:
We welcome you all to Imperium who have come to enjoy the best of what classic Tibia has to offer.
Imperium Features:
For further information about Imperium features, have a look at the information page! Rates:
If you're new to the community, join the Imperium Discord server to chat with other players and staff! Imperium will launch on March 04, 18:00 . Character-creations are open now! Sincerely,
by GM Imperium | |